Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Hey Julie Mama

We are happy but tired here. The kids are running free in the backyard while I'm upstairs sorting thru diapers. I can see them out of our bedroom sliding glass door. I am getting ready to sell off a lot of my stash. Looking over my pathetic diapers, I'm frustrated over the time I spend googling over the diapers. I always ended up buying cheap stuff that never worked well. I keep going back to cloth every once and awhile (went to sposies when Jack was about 14 months and 3 years of cloth), last a couple weeks, get overwhelmed with the crap, and go back to sposies. Now that I am thinning out the stash, I am going to make it a go again. using only fuzzi bunz when out and snug to fits at home. Blah, blah, blah over something that has been bugging me for awhile.

I'm making Thai Pumpkin Coconut soup for lunch. We've been eating pineapple coconut smoothies and I'm using up the coconut milk for the soup. We've been on a coconut kick. Guess I'm yearning for summer.

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