Thursday, June 29, 2006

I'm near tears.

I had NO idea Raffi was so cool. I must buy some of his cds now:

Hey Julie Mama

Today was long. The boys were out of sorts... we could not seem to fall into our day at all. I couldn't figure it out. But I suppose its because:

1. I am so freakin' tired.
2. I was very "inward" this morning... venting over the dishes left unattended in the sink by Mark (who promised to do them the night before).
3. I am so freakin' tired.
4. I was also venting inward over the fact that Mark would not be home tonight.

We got thru the day. With some great moments - including watching the boys "wakeboard" in the backyard all night. They hold the ski ropes, yell "go, boat," and I pull them up by the ropes. They jump the wake like daddy, touch the water like daddy, and fall like daddy. Its hilarious.

Mark will be off all next week. I would like to take some time to do some clothes shopping for myself. This is not an enjoyable task to me but much needed.

Other news is I finally got Will to eat beans (other than hummus) without having to hide them. We had Dal (lentils with curry), yogurt and pitas for dinner tonight. I love it. Will was surprised to learn that he does too! I added some swiss chard - I think it was baby swiss chard if that is such a vegetable. It was good.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Busy playing.

Sleepy. Not much sleep at night around here. Either by my choice or by Jack's choice. We continue to be itchy from either poison ivy, chiggers or mosquitos. But all is subsiding, slowly.

Went to the blueberry patch today and picked almost 4 pounds of blueberries! Will ate about that much as well.

Our rhythms are going strong. I would like to concentrate on evening now. We have been bike riding as a family a lot lately, which usually is fun unless Will is too tired to actually pedal his bike. Then. Not. Fun. It is our bike rides that make us love where we live and makes us indecisive about where we should live. We have seen a baby bunny, a snapping turtle, a zillion doggies, egrets, ducks, fish, and a kayaker this week. : ) And we have stopped and talked to them all.

I'm too tired to blog coherently. I don't get much computer time either these days...

Friday, June 23, 2006

Dessert failed

Oh flippin' A. My zuchinni cake didn't cook so well. Plan B: Baklava. Plan C: Whole Foods Bakery.


Found out today her lungs are clearing up and they are "backing of the machine." ??? I think this means life support. Slowly each day she gets better. I know she will be healthy and strong soon. I KNOW it! Good things are happening here. Really.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

What a beautiful, rhythmic day!

The weather is Perfect.

We had a great day - I was determined to find a rhythm today and we did and the day just flowed so well. Rhythm is my on-going project, but we really made some progress today - it just all came together. So I am going to be boring for awhile and post our daily routines.

7:30 am woke up
"Woke up" our bedrooms. Say good morning to the bedrooms, make the beds, pick up clothes, straighten books and open shades. Start a load of laundry.

8 am. Breakfast
Sing our "Blessings" song and our "candle" song.

8:30 ish
Clean up kitchen, free play (usually something to do with their cars and the kitchen sink!).

9 am.
We gathered up the soccer/volleyballs and played dodge ball in the backyard.

9:30 am
Craft/This will eventually turn into the Main Lesson time.
We made play doh. The boys went nuts over it and this occupied them for quite awhile. The kitchen got trashed. Flour and me make messes - always.

10:30 am
Blessings and candle songs.
I am going to ALWAYS sit with the boys from now on for their snack time. This will be my time to drink my tea... day 3 no coffee in the house....again.

10:45 am
We set up the train tracks in the play room. The boys played while I worked in the kitchen, cleaning up.

Blessings and candle songs

12:30 Shower for me.
I take my shower down in the basement shower and the boys play with Daddy's race track. What would we do without toy cars?

1 pm
Story Time.
Read a story to Will, nurse Jack until he falls asleep. Cross my fingers that Will sleeps too, but alas, not today. Will and I went downstairs to the basement so he could play more with the race track. I did laundry and attempted to keep Will quiet.

Jack woke up. Boys played outside for awhile.
I'm getting hazy now about how the rest of the afternoon went... ????
I made 5 quiches. The boys played more with the play doh.

3 pm ish

I can't remember what we did in the afternoon!


5 pm
Boys played outside.
I turned on my "Cleaning Days" CD, which is very slow and nearly a capella. We have outdoor speakers so the kids could hear it outside too. It calms them.
I am making a point of picking up the house before Mark comes home. I think this is very important. Its funny, it took me 5 minutes to clear the toys in the living room and Mark comes home and says, "Wow! The house looks great!" If I hadn't cleared those toys, the perfectly clean kitchen would not have been noticed at all.

6 pm
Dinner with Daddy.
Blessings and Candle.

Clean up and headed out for a family bike ride.
the bike ride went too long, we met new neighbors and chatted.

Boys in bed. Snooze.

When I type this out it all sounds so boring and typical but for some reason I am just really happy about how the day went.

I believe the greatest reasons for success included:

1. Sticking to a schedule, anticipating what came next.

2. Incorporating Movement first thing in the morning.

3. My attitude.

So now after all that, Daddy will be home for the morning tomorrow and our rhythm will be whacked. lol. But we can still wake up our rooms, have breakfast, and then Daddy and the kids can do some kind of Movement activity. I think I will give Daddy a craft project to do with the kids - take a large jar, fill it with sand and then water. Color the water blue (I have kool-aid and think that will work). Then go on a treasure hunt for cool rocks, clam shells down by the lake and whatever else they can find to make a beach/ocean in the jar. So actually, we can keep our rhythm. I'll just have to continue to move it along.

Well, I'm beat. Off to bed soon.

Go away now.

I am still itchy. New spots just keep showing up around my body. I guess the poison ivy is in my bloodstream? My arms and hands itch tonight and woke me up. And the boys have it. Will has some on his penis, poor kid. He lets everyone know about it too. And Jack's is in his diaper area.

That which you resist persists. I know, I know....

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Popping Garbanzos

The garbanzo beans I have soaking are popping in the stock pot. I never knew they did that. I am usually asleep when beans are soaking, but its almost 2 am and I can't sleep. Anyway, it reminds me of the mexican jumping beans I bought in Mexico when I was a kid. I loved those beans, popping on the night stand in the Tijuana hotel the night I bought them. How did those beans pop? I wonder?

Sometimes I can't believe the amount of *stuff* I have running thru my brain, constantly. Of all the things to stop and take the time to blog about, I choose popping garbanzo beans!

What I should blog about is my deepening interest in the Enki homeschooling curriculum.

Friday, June 16, 2006

Zig Zag

Mark is in Chicago.

I am very, very itchy.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Poison Ivy.

I have it. Round two for the summer. I know I got it from Jack - who was crawling thru the trees with the big kids and then cuddled up to me to nurse at nap time. Its all over my chest and neck - just how he snuggles. Its on my boobs too.

The boys don't have it so far. Cool.

I'm taking lots of Vitamin C, grapefruit seed extract, and a homeopathic anti itch spray that works awesome. I've got the remedy down now. Of course, the blisters will start arriving probably tomorrow. This stuff is brutal.

Poison Ivy.

I have it. Round two for the summer. I know I got it from Jack - who was crawling thru the trees with the big kids and then cuddled up to me to nurse at nap time. Its all over my chest and neck - just how he snuggles. Its on my boobs too.

The boys don't have it so far. Cool.

I'm taking lots of Vitamin C, grapefruit seed extract, and a homeopathic anti itch spray that works awesome. I've got the remedy down now. Of course, the blisters will start arriving probably tomorrow. This stuff is brutal.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Oh, oh, oh

I have to blog before I forget this...

I want to make bean bags filled with beans and rosemary. Rosemary is perfect for this -- good for the memory ("rosemary for remembrance, pray, love, remember" - Shakespeare) and should prevent bug attack, too.

Monday, June 12, 2006

Intention, Gratitude, Positive Visualization and All That Stuff

Thoughts of Happiness and Joy

Begin with only thinking kind thoughts. It won't take long before you start to speak kind words. When you speak kind words to others, they will begin to think kind thoughts, and when they speak kind words, it will be followed by kind deeds. So, slowly it will go, bit by bit. Everything must first come to the human soul through the head, which first has to think the good. Then it will not be so difficult for the body to do what the soul has thought out in the head.

Think Goodness for everyone and everything.
Think how you yourself want to be met.
Think health towards all who are ill,
think life in all that has died,
think only good thoughts.
Think everything in the utmost humility...

If you are in a place which makes you worry, go away. Freedom will help you. Believe in everything that is beautiful and true. How, you wonder - I cannot believe in most of the things that are beautiful and true, when so many things are ugly lies.

Earth child, we had come so far that you had thought away fear and worry. So why are you still worried about the ugliness and lies of the earth? See friends in everyone you meet.

But maybe those I meet want to harm me. They may look nice and kind, but really they are nasty and evil.

Have you already forgotten that you thought away ugliness and lies? Little earth child, in this way we can continue to think away everything that is unpleasant and ugly. But your head can't take anymore. If you teach your earth friends all I've told you your earth will be much happier. Maybe it won't happen at once but bit by bit it will get better. Don't forget that you must remain childlike. You must believe in fairy tales, in miracles, in love, in the beautiful, in the pure.

Don't read anything soiled! Your thoughts will be soiled.
Don't see anything soiled. Your eyes will be soiled.
Don't hear anything soiled. Your ears will be soiled.
Don't eat anything soiled. Your stomach will be soiled.
Don't speak anything soiled. Your mouth will be soiled.
Don't think anything soiled. Your soul will be soiled...

* from various pages within the book "When the Storm Comes and A Moment in the Blossom Kingdom" by Barbro Karlen

Birthdays and lazy days.

Pics of the boys' birthday party, my first radish out of my garden (obviously I am late on photos), grandma and grandpa Voss and more....

Friday, June 09, 2006

Back on track

I'm here. Getting happier (thank you St. John's Wort). I could write more about the past few days but really its not that interesting. That would be the phlegmatic in me talking, I have learned. Anyway. Someone out there read "The Four Temperments," by Rudolf Steiner so we can talk about it, please. : )

I like this quote:

" Learning is experience. Everything else is just information." - Albert Einstein

Monday, June 05, 2006


A self-inflicted, terrible, torturous kind of day. Please let bedtime come soon.

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Hey Julie Mama

Thanks for the thoughts and prayers for baby Hailey. I'm posting the following e-mail that Mark's mom sent that gives an update and explains a bit what is going on with her:

Haley is on a Heart and Lung machine----the machine takes over for both
organs----this gives both organs a rest!!!! She can heal better. She is
also on a blood thinner----sooo----the prayer is that internal bleeding
does not happen. . She will be on the machine for about two weeks. What
a TOUGH battle for such a little one!!!!!! Yesterday was a very stressful
day for Jenny and Keenan. Greg said she had a stable night.

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Hey Julie Mama

Hailey is not doing well and my heart is breaking. How does a new, first time mother survive this anguish? Please let her be okay.

Friday, June 02, 2006

Daddy's Day Off

So we skipped the strawberry almond shortcake and just ate the strawberries. We're all about efficiency around here.
We went to Pickings and Pumpkins and they are organic! We got a huge bag o' berries for $5.

Today is Will's birthday. Daddy is off, and we played all day on the lake. Then came home and we all napped. Will is still sleeping. He's requested macaroni and cheese for his birthday dinner. I'm getting ready to make it. Jack is on the back porch throwing (left over from the birthday party) pop cans down on the deck and watching them bust and spray all over. That is okay with me. Daddy is now hollering at me to go stop Jack from his fun. Oh well.