Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Seven Random Things about Me.

Oh yea, I just discovered that Sarah at www.naptimemusings.blogspotlcom tagged me.I don't think I've ever been tagged and feel quite special!

Seven Random Things About Me"

1. This is harder than I thought. Sarah's seven things reminded me that I absolutely can't stand going to sleep with one of my closet doors opened. Just can't sleep.

2. I had a tattoo laser removed. I have nothing aganst tattoos, just the dumb ass one I had on my ankle that reminded me of a very wild and dark time in my past. It cost $1,500 and was worth every penny and cancerous cell in my body. I would actually get another one as long as it wasn't a dumb ass one.

3. I also had a hard time deciding on a major in college and ended up with a freaking degree before I ever decided what I wanted to do with my life. My degree was fancifully called Business Communications but really meant Marketing.

4. My most inspirational song was sung by Kermit the Frog, "The Rainbow Connection."

5. My kids seriously freak me out on a daily basis.

6. Some Day. Poof. I will be Free.

7. No More Kids. (Think Tears For Fears.) None. Nada. Zilch. Although I can say my body is begging for one. I can tell. Never noticed this before, but these days. I can tell.

Maybe I should post this.

Today Will told me:

"Mommy, I feel like my whole body is spinning, spiniing, spinning, all the time."

I can tell.

Oh, the pain a mother feels when she knows she is failing her child.

I'm worn out.

I've been thinking about posting and complaining all day. I am drained. I seriously never knew how much I needed to work on my CHARACTER until I had kids. Mostly after Jack. Escpecially after Jack. Damn, I was a good mom to Will the first two years. What the hell.


Just about to go into a rant, looked at the computer and saw My Number. I'm an 11:11 person. Let me pause.

Stay in THIS moment.

And start again tomorrow.

Thursday, July 05, 2007

One goal this week

To get my camera cable thingy hooked up to the computer so I can upload new pics. Just that one goal. That is all. To do this though, I need to:

Find the cable thingy.

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

What is that wiggly thing at the back of your throat?

That was the question googled today and this is the answer we found:

Monday, July 02, 2007

And today...

the boys filled up their little tent with water, and then naked, took turns running and sliding and colliding into the tent. They were having a grand time and I was getting the kitchen floor cleaned. A few minutes later I look out and Jack is naked squatting over his knight in shining armor plastic helmet and about to take a poop. No worries I caught him in time. He just thought it would be SO fun, and his big brother was totally encouraging he do it.

I'm involved in a tribe of mothers with 2 or more boys on MDC. Thank goodness because reading their crazy stories gives me comfort that I am not alone.

We are doing lots of dreaming around here. That is good. It always gets me encouraged when we dream.

We are also planning our somewhat dull and recently cut in half vacation to Indiana this summer for Mark's parents 60th wedding anniversary. I love Mark's family (mostly) but man, does there have to be so MANY of them?????? I'm tired of all our vacations being around family. Next year: our goal is to attend the Enki homeschool conference out east and go to one of the fairy islands in Maine. We ban any nieces or nephews from getting married next year. Next year is for us, dammit! : )