Thursday, August 31, 2006


The boys always are finding ineresting escapades. The other day they got into the kool aid that I use to dye playsilks and turned their hands and mouths red. Today was markers. I can't get mad because I am so happy to see the pals they have become. : )

They did the following while I was typing yesterdays post...

Will got a kick out of painting Jack's butt.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Hey Julie Mama

TIred. Why do I get so stressed before going on vacation? Once we are outta here it will be great. Today I have cooked chicken stock, chicken tortilla soup, granola, and butternut squash. I've peeled and frozen yummy roasted peppers from Whole Foods to use in an egg casserole upon returning home. Made tea. Grocery shopped. Made list of food for trip. Yes, food is my life. Tomorrow I will make oatmeal cookies, mix up "instant" oatmeal for the camping trip, and make pesto to freeze before we leave with all the basil growing out of our ears here. Um, what else do I need to do? No, my family will not starve.

Boys are giggling. Must go see what destruction has occurred.

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Fearsome Fours, Power Struggles, and Magical Thinking.

Great article. The last paragraph really spoke to me. I see Will's need for power, his clinginess, self-consciousness, and imagination soar in the last few months. Its so interesting to see this take on those issues. Perspective. Again.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Hey Julie Mama

I have not felt very bloggy lately. My back is nearly back to normal. I have a lot of cleaning and catching up to do around here. Dusting, bathrooms and such. I am at a point again that a refresher in Spiritual Tasks of the Homemaker would be helpful.

We leave next week for camping at Beaver Lake, Arkansas. We spend the weekend with family (um, fun?) and then get to decompress alone the week after. It will be... perfect I know. Its a beautiful rock bottom lake, so cool and clear.

I am making us tomato, basil, and buffalo mozzarella sandwiches today. The tomato and basil is from my garden! The cheese is from Costco! The tomatoe, I have to say looks delish.

Another chiro appt. tonight. More cleaning. More cooking.

The boys are mostly amazing friends these days.

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Give Me to Myself!

I like the Calendar of the Soul for this week:

Calendar of the Soul

[August 20, 2006 - August 26, 2006]

Nineteenth Week
(August 11-17)

In secret to encompass now
With memory what I've newly got
Shall be my striving's further aim:
Thus, ever strengthening, selfhood's forces
Shall be awakened from within
And growing, give me to myself.

Sunday, August 13, 2006


Baby Hailey is coming home tomorrow! She spent her first 3 months of life in the hospital. She will still have to use a feeding tube but she will at least be home.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006


"The vibration of too much of our life's energy going out with too little coming back for ourselves can often set us up for dis-ease which leads to illness and crisis that force us to RESET, RE-EVALUATE, and RE-CENTER. The Guru in you tells you clearly when it is time to listen to your body and your thoughts for INSPIRED CHANGES that are vital to restore BALANCE.

Often the Guru in you is greeted with new approaches to health, nutrition, and longevity at these times."

Thursday, August 03, 2006

This is what happened...

I dare not post because I don't want to whine.

But first thing this morning I picked up the 1.5 year old and my back went out. I've spent the day hobbling or crawling around. Got in to see a new chiro that is just down the street from me. Another appointment tommorow. They gave me some homeopathic pain reliever stuff - valarian root and more.

I was upset with myself today. I need monthly adjustments or its down this road I go. I KNOW that. I slacked because I got tired of arranging child care, and then making the long drive to my other chiro. Not taking of myself. Not making myself a priority. I have to be well to have my children be well. I KNOW that!!!!

The good news and I really like this new chiro office. It was divine guidance that brought me to them... my CSA drops off the goods at this office each week. I think I'm meant to be there. Just wish it wasn't under such painful circumstances.

Off to a good night's sleep....hopefully.

Here we go.

I'm watching 5 little boys today - ages 8,5,4,2 and 1.5. Give me strength!

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Bestest Smoothie Ever

1/2 cup oatmeal (or cook some steel cut oats in your crock pot overnight).
Rice milk
A handful of wheat grass, or whatever green you have on hand.


Tuesday, August 01, 2006


First, I wrote out a huge blog yesterday but I guess I lost it because it never posted. Bummer. Bygones. But now on to today's musings.

My head is kind of swirling over "the plan." The plan consists of how I want our days to proceed over the next few months. Our parent/toddler program is over at Children's Song and I can either sign on for 10 more weeks of sessions, or not. Or I could decide to send Will to Lake Farm School for a couple days a week. But not really, because its too long of a drive. Or I could chuck ALL driving, buy the Enki curriculum that I have been considering and try to stay home. Or, just pull out my Earthways book, Seven Times the Sun, Toymaking with Children, the felt and beeswax and clay I already have and just start doing stuff at home.

So I am indecisive because:

1. Our rhythm at home gets easily whacked if we leave to go to cool play dates.

2. I need the support of community. I love Ms. Diana at Lake Farm School - she is wise, and supportive, and inspirational. She is magic with the children. In my dreams, we would live on a few acres near the school, Will would go to the preschool a couple days a week, and we would homeschool. Oh, but then Daddy would commute for 2 hours a day to work and have no life. Oh wait, kinda like now, but in Lee's Summit.

3. I enjoy Children's Song but it does not nourish us in the way Lake Farm does. But its closer. Also, Jack and I could do the toddler program upstairs one day a week, while Will is with the preschoolers. Cool arrangement!

4. Above arrangement cool. Except, back to loving Lake Farm School. Daddy could attend the Saturday program with us. In fact, Mark and I have agree that this should be the one CERTAIN thing we do because we love it so much.

5. But then... I would LOVE Will to be involved in the preschool festivals at Lake Farm. The advent, martinmas, the plays. Back to that wishful thinking I guess. I don't want to drive 2 days a week out there, drop Will off and have to figure out stuff for Jack and I to do while he is in the school.

6. Fine. Stay home. Get Enki and it will solve EVERYTHING, right?

7. Except when I lose it and freak out because my children DON"T NAP.