Friday, January 05, 2007

Letting Go.

DON'T get me started on my obsession over rhythmic days and our a-rhythmic lives.

I let go tonight, turned on the TV for Will, went with the very long flow at bedtime, laughed, pulled fingers while the boys (all three of them) farted and we all fell asleep with no tears. Well, then I woke up.

I drank wine and have progressed to beer. If we were rich I would become one of *those* housewives. lol. But wine is out and typically not in the budget albeit for Grandma Reed's yearly Christmas present of a basket with 3 bottles of wine in it.

I have nightweaned Jack (age 2.5). Starting last Saturday. Cold turkey, until 5 am and it has been amazingly grand. He was a bit pissed the first few nights, but actually even then accepted the situation (eventually) with snuggles and soothing words. We had to sleep together on the floor a couple nights because he was too sad to sleep in the bed - where he gets his nursies. But now - less than a week later - he is a total pro. The timing was right for both of us.

I hung a star lamp in our bedroom, set a timer on it for 5 am and told him he could have nursies when the star came on. Last night, after 6 nights, he woke only at 4 am, let me rock him in the chair for awhile and then back to bed until 6 am when he woke to nurse. SUCCESS! We are all so much better for it, and although there were tears in the beginning - less than there were with the all day mommy resentment, whineys and so forth that went with all night nursing sessions. I'm thrilled and happy with how we did it. We still co-sleep, nurse to sleep in bed at night, and nurse and snuggle all morning. I still wake several times at night as my body is use to that, but I am getting a solid 4-5 hours of sleep. I wake around 3 am and can't go back to sleep - my body is not use to so much sleep! ITS A GOOD THING!!!!!!!!

Will and I have starting taking Suzuki violin lessons. I am new to all this - I took violin for a short time in college (and had a fleeting crush on my teacher but chose Mark instead) and am so excited to see where this will lead us. Today, Will was THRILLED to go to violin lessons and play with the choo-choo train but the teacher observed him and said ------
"He's a willful kid." (I've heard this before).
"He knows what he wants." (Yep.)
"He's totally ready to do this. (Hooray!)

It will take 1-2 years, but we will learn the "Twinkles." Which, apparently, is Twinkle Twinkle LIttle Star in four variations.
: )

Fun. Right?

Its all happening. : ) (Name that movie.)

Yes, I'm feeling happy. And maybe a little tipsy. : )

1 comment:

Shawn said...

I'm so glad that the night weaning went well gives me hope :) Im about there at the end but Bethany will turn 2 on the 18th and I think she still needs it at night. Thanks for giving me hope Julie :)

A glass of wine never hurts either. :)