Friday, May 25, 2007

The right kind of Suzuki mom

Today I told our violin teacher I was not being a good Suzuki mom. I've felt guilty about how fast time flies and that I don't ever get in the practice time every day. I mean, good grief, he's just asking us to spend 4 minutes a day playing games with the violin. He, as he always does, said just the right thing to get me back on track and let go of the guilt. After our lesson, I chatted a bit with the next mother, who has been taking lessons with her 12 year old son for a year and a half. I really want to get to know her better. She has great energy about her. I told her we really enjoyed her recital last week and found it very inspring (she has great stage presence and kind of reminds me of Natalie Merchant). After a bit more talk she told me her son had started Suzuki lessons at age 5 but dropped after 6 months and that the teacher they were with at the time just wasn't the right fit. She told me they are unschoolers and Mr. Cook has been really understanding and flexible with their style and that has made all the difference. I see that as our opportunity as well. I hope to get to know her better.

So I relaxed on myself because I know that I want Will to find his own love of the violin (or not) and for music. I want to expose him to it, not force it. I know that. So what if he doesn't want to practice every day. I will play the Twinkle CD, and practice myself. He will absorb it. He is.

Tonight he showed Grandma and Grandpa Voss his violin, and stood, rest position, bowed, zipped and stepped and placed the violin to jaw, with A PERFECT BOW HOLD (we were not seeing this) and played Mississipi Hot Dog on strings A and E. I could not believe it. He did not learn this because I had been telling him over and over how to hold the bow (he kept holding it wrong and it was a bit maddening to me). He just absorbs it. He's been feeling pressure from me, even though I jump to my defense and say I am not pressuring him (but there is that nagging in my head saying he NEEDS to learn the importance of practice and feels this I am sure.)

I am not doing this to teach my child violin.

"I just want to create loving, sensitive human beings with beautiful hearts." ----Shinichi Suzuki

1 comment:

mothering spiritually said...

Hey Julie, I have been reading all about this Suzuki method!! i absolutely love this idea but I want to get started on the harp. I think the Harp is absolutely beautiful and I would love to have Sage become interested in it. I would love for him to fall in love with music which he already had started because of his new love for singing and listening to his daddy's music. Can you tell me more? where can I learn more? wow i have just been inspired!!!