Saturday, May 05, 2007


This year:

We are growing a few veggies in our garden this year, including:

Beets (lots of them so I can make my friend's most amazing Beet Soup).
Tomatoes (a small crop as we're trying to keep tomatoe eating at a rational level around here).
Pole Beans

More stuff too.
A new herb/flower garden is in the process:
Lots of sunflowers
A butterfly graden mix!

We have 2 raspberry bushes, not looking so great. I need to learn about these.

I think that is it. Half is planted.

We are signing up again for the CSA - organic local produce delivered 2 minutes from our house. I will also pick up our eggs at the same placee (the chiropractors office), and I've ordered 5 chickens.

Goat milk. I was really looking forward to getting this but we visited the farm last week and learned the farmer had a rough year and lost a couple goats and will have less milk than anticipated. We are on a waiting list.

Food co-op. Bulk food purchases here, but will probably mainly get my dairy from here - cheese, yogurt. Darn, I was gung ho on making all that with my goat milk!

I grocery shop mostly at Nature's Pantry and take advantage of my member discount and the fact that they have really excellent coupons/specials. Also, I can often buy some stuff organic there (like potatoes, or carrots) that are actually cheaper than regular Price Chopper stuff!

Occassional trips to WHole Foods for their produce or ground turkey, and their 365 Rice Milk. I buy it in a case and love having it always on hand. We drink everything at this point - rice, cow or goat milk. We are not picky. Its used mainly for baking, smoothies or occassional cold cereal. However, I have to say ice cold rice milk and a brownie make me happy.

Track my grocery spending. This will include non-food grocery items. This could be scary.

May 5: $278, Nature's Pantry.

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