Sunday, April 02, 2006

Lotta watta

Our 65 gallon rain barrel filled up with water after last nights rain! We need to come up with ways to use the water... lots of gardens in our future, hopefully!


Kara said...

I just threw away one of my rain barrels this weekend :( The bottom split open... I've had this since last fall so maybe they shouldn't have been left out over the winter but I did ask that very question at the class and they said they could be left out all year... bummer!

Shawn said...

Hmm so how do you keep mosquitos from lurking in there? I may have to look into this!

Julie said...

Shawn, there is a screen on the rain barrel so mosquitos can't get to the water. Also, we drain after a heavy rain - use it for our indoor plants, and eventually will be used for our garden. We're also planting a "rain garden," which is basically native plants with deep roots to help with the stormwater runoff, and we can use our rain barrel water for that too. : )

Shawn said...

ooo that sounds awesome! We did plant some plants they recommend last year that are native plants. hopefully they'll come up this yr.