Monday, February 13, 2006

Hey Julie Mama

Holy crap, I went to Whole Foods today and spent $65 on I don't know what. This is what happens when Mark keeps putting off watching the kids so I can grocery shop. I cannot shop wisely with two kids, even with a list. Mostly at Whole Foods because I Am Weak.

On that note, I signed up today for a CSA and I'm so excited. I was in Local Harvest for awhile (until they closed) and it was like getting little gifts every week I received my produce box. I miss that. I signed up for:

Produce share (half a share cause I like going to Farmer's Markets too, and we are going to attempt a garden this year).
Eggs (I'll get one dozen a week.)
Fruit share (apples, peaches, pears)
Flowers!!!! Every week for 12 weeks!
1 free range whole chicken every 2 weeks
1 turkey for Thanksgiving
They also may be offering raw milk down the road.
Is this heaven? I am thrilled.

I think I'll save money by staying out of the grocery store!

ETA: Mark just called and said he stopped by Price Chopper and asked if I needed anything. Too late, sucker! LOL!


Sarah said...

If you don't mind saying, how much does it cost?

Kara said...

Can you tell me/us more about the food co-op Julie? I'm interested :)