Friday, February 03, 2006

Hey Julie Mama

I'm coming out of the fog today. Will was really sick, poor thing. On Wednesday, he had one continuous cough, literally. He was also breathing very fast. None of the homeopathic cough syrups were working, and teaspoons of honey and lemon did little to help. Baths In early afternoon with lavender and eucalyptus. Finally, I gave him a treatment of albuterol that I had left from last year's wheezing incident and that helped until Mark came home and I could go to the store for more medicine. I thought we were going to have to go the doctor's office the next day and they would surely prescribe antibiotics. At Nature's Pantry, my favorite herb/natural healer guy was there and gave me some killer homeopathic cough syrup with expectorant and Sovereign Silver. Added this to my aresenal of what I was already doing and he is doing much better today. I'm happy because I avoided more breathing treatments, steroids and antibiotics. Woo-hoo. And his immune system is now that much stronger. Giving my child Silver is a little freaky and I had to go on the faith of my herb guy until I did some research. Ignoring the freaky stuff on the net like the silver lady, and reading some of the studies, I'm happy to use it in small doses on occassion, mostly if it helps avoid antibiotics.

And the site that would freak anyone out to take silver:


Its taken me half the day to blog this as these kids are so freakin' needy. It gets so tiring. I'm giving up for the day. I started this post before 8 am and its 1 pm. This is why I don't blog like I would prefer.....

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