Monday, February 06, 2006

Are you going to eat that?

Yes. Today Mark and I visited a couple pre-schools as part of our information gathering journey into Educating Will. We went to two schools. The first was a Primrose School and it was everything I despise about organzied pre-schools. The laughable part was the sign hanging up in the hallway spouting the delicious, nutririous snacks provided to the children - with a color poster featuring gorgeous green broccoli and red delicious apples.

Guess what the children were snacking on today as we visited the classrooms? Are you ready for this?

Pop tarts. With milk. I couldn't believe it. Yes, let me PAY you to feed my child pop tarts. WTF???? I really should have said something, I was on the verge. Mark and I left that school and Mark wanted to skip the next tour and just go to work. He said he had seen enough.... blah, blah, blah. I urged him to give the next school a try ---- it is a Monetessori school.

So we did and Mark was awed. What a difference. The building was very nice, the classrooms beautiful. Watching the children work was mesmerizing. I can definitely see the draw many have to a Montessori education. It was an enjoyable experience. It was all about respecting the child and not dumbing down their education.

Anyway, it was two very different experiences, that is for sure. The price tags of each school were, um, quite different too, if you can imagine.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Pop tarts?!!?!! And they wonder why all the kids have ADD and who knows what else.