Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Worm Memories

Sometimes I miss my little garbage eating worms. I relinquished them to the garden late last Spring after having too much stink and mess in the indoor compost bin (a rubbermaid container). They did well for about 6 months, until I overloaded them with too much food, and there got to be too much moisture in the bin. I could have used them this winter as I quit saving scraps for the bin - too cold and I was too lazy to go outside.

Anyway I was just reading a tip that probably would have saved the worms (though I am sure they are loving our garden soil right now too!). Next time (cause someday there will be a next time) I will poke holes not only on the lid and sides of the containter, but on the bottom as well. This will let the moisture seep thru, making a yummy compost tea for my plants and also keep the container more dry. I'll capture the tea by placing another rubber maid lid under the container, and prop it up with rocks or bricks or something. Such a simple thing that probablly would have saved our project.

This will also help when it becomes time to separate the worms from the compost.... last time it was a glumpy mess and not a whole lot of fun. It wasn't as easy as THE BOOK SAID IT WOULD BE. : )

1 comment:

Sarah said...

I've been missing my worms lately, too, and yesterday - completely out of nowhere - Emma asked me, "When are we going to get some more worms for our basement?"