Saturday, February 24, 2007

Clutter out, Clutter in.

We went to the thrift store today in search of rain boots for Will. I found no rain boots but we did find:

A skirt for me $3.00
A Winnie the Pooh game for Will: $2.00 (after much negotiation away from plastic crap and beanie babies).
A backpack for Will. $1.50
A wooden iron, to replace the toy metal one in the play room. This was a score, its so cute! .50 cents.
Two awesomeist books for me which of course now I can't even remember the titles: .30 cents each.

We also dropped off a couple bags at the donation box.

But I came home with all this stuff but didn't get the boots! Every time I come home with stuff I get *stressed* (that's kind of a strong word really) because I keep trying to keep things simple.

So tomorrow its time to go thru closets again. I am so wanting to simplify. More, more, more every day!

Oh, and to add to the bill for the day: $8.00 in library fines! Ouch! I've probably had $50 in fines in the past year. Kids will do that to ya.

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