Thursday, May 25, 2006

Hey Julie Mama

Hailey is on life support and surgery has not happened yet. However, Jennifer and Keenan will be talking to another couple that daughter had the same condition, and had the surgery and is now a happy, healthy 2 year old. I am praying.

Mark's parents arrive today. They have had a difficult week - the husband of their "best couple" died and the funeral was this week. They were friends for 50 years. 50 years! Now the baby. They don't handle stress well and I worry about them. All that on top of a 9 hour drive to see us.

Oh, and the news that my unmarried nephew and his girlfriend are expecting a baby, Mark's parents must be completely beside themselves. Although I secretely am SO excited for our nephew. He will grow up fast, and he will take the challenge on with dignity. He'll be an amazing daddy.

1 comment:

supergirlest said...

hang on, hailey!!!! i can't even imagine what hailey's mommy and daddy are feeling right now. :( my thoughts are with all of you.