Sunday, March 12, 2006

Hey Julie Mama

I made 5 potato and spinach quiches, granola, granola bars, a sweet potato coconut pie, and filed our taxes this weekend. Yay. I am so glad to be done with our taxes. And I need that money as some of it is going to cover the cost of our CSA share.

Will ate, I dunno, at least 4 sour cream muffins for dinner tonight. He had a lot of fun at our friend's house, and on the way home was a chatterbox... talk, talk, talk, talk, talk.... and then... in an instant... zzzzzzzzzz. How does he do that? But a 6:30 bedtime gave me the time to tackle the taxes. Woo-hoo.

We're planting our seeds tomorrow.

I'm a little loopy from sitting on the computer for 2 hours doing the taxes. A bit scattered.


Catherine said...

sweet potato pie recipe please. tucker and colin came upstairs after you left, having heard rumors of a sweet potato pie.....they were sent off with chicken parmesan sandwiches instead. oh, and some hershey creation that i'm surprised waited for them!

Shawn said...

Yum! Those all sound so yummy! I think ya'll need to make a cookbook!